Roof Trusses qualified under part 9 of NBC
Roof trusses for building of 3 stories or less in building height , having an area not exceeding 600 m2 (6000 ft2), having a clear span between two bearing wall not exceeding 40 ft and used for major occupancies classified as a) Group C, residential occupancies such as:
(Apartments), (Boarding houses), (Club, residential), (Colleges, residential), (Convents), (Dormitories), (Hotels), (Houses), (Lodging houses), (Monasteries), (Motel), (Schools, residential) b) Group D, business and personal services occupancies such as: (Banks), (Barber and hair dressing shops), (Beauty parlours), (Dental offices), (Dry cleaning establishment, self service, not using flammable or explosive solvents or cleaners), (Laundries, self-service), (Medical offices), (Offices), (Police stations without detention quarters), (Radio stations), (Small tool and appliance rental and service establishments) c) Group E mercantile occupancies such as:
(Department stores), (Exhibition halls), (Market), (Shops), (Stores), (supermarkets). d) Group F, Division 2 medium and low hazard industrial occupancies) such as: (Aircraft hangers), (Box factories), (Candy plants), Cold storage plants) (Dry cleaning establishments not using flammable or explosive solvents or cleaners), (Electrical substations), ( Factories), (Freight depots), (Helicopter landing area), (Laboratories), (Laundries, except self-service), (Mattress factories), (Planning mills), (Printing plants), ( Repair garages), (Salesrooms), (Service stations), (Storage rooms), (Television studios not admitting a viewing audience), (Warehouse), (Wholesale rooms), (Woodworking factories), (Workshops) e) Group F, Division 3 medium and low hazard
industrial occupancies) such as: (Creameries), (Factories), (Laboratories), (Power plants), (Salesrooms), (Sample display rooms), (Storage garages, including open air parking garages), (storage rooms), (Warehouse), (Workshops).